Liturgy Worship and 质量计划

Worship is central to any faith community. For Catholics, the Eucharist is the source and summit of the community’s life and mission.


Join us for Mass at the times below in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel on campus. (Schedule is subject to change based on availability of priests.)

  • 周日: 10 a.m. 8p.m. 中科
  • 工作日: 7 a.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday; Wednesday, 5 pm; Tuesday & 星期四下午12点

点击这里 每日礼仪读经.


  • 礼拜仪式的部长 – Student lectors, servers, Eucharistic ministers, and ushers support the community liturgies. If you would like to volunteer or need training in any of these areas, 联络校园部, 270-686-4319或校园外. 4319.
  • 音乐部长 – Sunday masses and other liturgical services are supported by a mix of mainstream, traditional and contemporary liturgical music. If you have gifts for singing and/or playing an instrument, and are willing to share your gifts, 联络校园部, 270-686-4319或校园分机. 4319.


Brescia University’s Office of 校园部 welcomes 学生 of all denominations and recognizes that a faith-life is essential for personal and spiritual growth.

点击这里 for a reference for community worship opportunities.

Though not an exhaustive list, provided is a beginning reference to assist you in your community faith life. For other options please consult the local telephone directory or talk to Sister Pam Mueller, 布雷西亚的校园部长, 270-686-4319或校园分机. 4319.